Sunday, October 11, 2009

Notice KBH has yet to sign on to this!

S.Res.307 A Resolution to require that all legislative matters be available and fully scored by CBO 72 hours before consideration by any subcommittee or committee of the Senate or on the floor of the Senate.

Sponsor: Sen. Jim Bunning (KY) (introduced 10/7/09) Co-sponsors (26)

Committees: Senate Rules and Administration, Latest Major Action: 10/7/09 Referred to Senate Committee.
Status: Referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration

Co-sponsors (26): These signed on 10/07/09

Alexander, Lamar TN
Barrasso, John WY
Brownback, Sam KS
Burr, Richard NC
Chambliss, Saxby GA
Coburn, Tom OK
Corker, Bob TN
Cornyn, John TX
Crapo, Mike ID
Demint, Jim SC
Ensign, John NV
Enzi, Michael WY
Grassley, Chuck IA
Gregg, Judd NH
Inhofe, James OK
Johanns, Mike NE
Kyl, Jon AZ
McCain, John AZ
Murkowski, Lisa AK
Risch, James ID
Roberts, Pat KS
Sessions, Jeff AL
Thune, John SD
Vitter, David LA
Voinovich, George OH
Wicker, Roger MS

TAKE ACTION: Contact your Senator if you do not see him/her on this list.

Note: This will be cross posted on List of Congress with Fax#'s thread.

The U.S. House refused via Pelosi and her instructions to the Democrat members. Let's get on this ASAP, along with our other duties. Thanks in Advance! We will check often to see which Senators have signed on.

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